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How to put a piercing on the nose without risk: key steps

In this article, find all the essential steps to put a piercing in the nose safely.

How to put a piercing in the nose safely: Practical guide

Nose piercing is an approach that attracts many people, whether it is to express their style or to underline an aspect of their personality. However, this decision requires special attention to ensure a risk -free pose and successful healing. This practical guide accompanies you step by step to make your nasal piercing safely.

Preparation before making the piercin

Before starting, good preparation is essential to minimize the risks and guarantee an aesthetic result. Here are the steps to properly prepare your project.

Make the right time

The time of installation can directly influence healing and general experience. For example, some seasons like summer or winter can pose particular constraints: sun exposure, perspiration, or wearing heavy clothes. It is important to choose the right season to be pierced. Avoid stress periods or moments when you will not be able to give the necessary care to your piercing.

Select the appropriate type of piercing

The type of jewelry is decisive for comfort and healing, and only a qualified piercing can guide you in this choice. First pose jewelry are often Studs Piercing or jewelry in the shape of a bouchons, specially designed to facilitate healing. Nail, ring, horseshoe or spiral, each choice depends on the morphology of your nose and your aesthetic preferences. Titanium jewelry is often recommended for their hypoallergenic quality and resistance. THE piercings Nostum or septum are among the most popular, but variations such as bridge piercing or tip of the nose also exist.

Prepare the environment and equipment

Before any installation, an experienced perceur will ensure that the environment is perfectly sterile. This process includes disinfection of the work area and the use of professional equipment.

Sterilization procedure to avoid infections

Sterilization is an essential step to prevent infections during a piercing in the nose. A professional pierceur follows a strict protocol: tools and jewelry are sterilized using an autoclave, which eliminates all microorganisms. The perceur also disinfects the zone to be pierced with an antiseptic product, uses sterile -use sterile needles and carries sterile gloves. The entire procedure takes place in a hygienic environment, ensuring optimal security and ideal conditions for healing.

Hand cleaning and equipment

Main cleaning and equipment is an essential step in the practice of piercing, guaranteeing safety and hygiene for both the customer and for the pierceur. A perceur must systematically follow strict protocols before, during and after each intervention. Before starting the drilling, he washed his hands thoroughly with an antiseptic soap, taking care to also disinfect the areas around the nails and the cuffs, to eliminate any trace of dirt or bacteria. He uses disposable gloves, ensuring that they are not powered and of medical quality, in order to prevent any cross -contamination.

Regarding the material, the piercing uses products specially designed to disinfect instruments. This includes disinfectants adapted to metal surfaces, as well as sterilizers for tools that cannot be thrown after each use. The reusable instruments must be carefully cleaned using an enzymatic detergent, then sterilized at the autoclave. These rigorous cleaning and disinfection practices ensure a safe work environment and respect the strict health standards that govern the profession of pierceur.

Sterilization of piercing and asepsis of the area concerned

The perceur must follow a four -step disinfection protocol to guarantee the optimal hygiene of the area to be pierced and avoid any risk of infection. Here are the detailed steps for this procedure:

  1. Disinfection with an antiseptic soap: the first step is to carefully clean the area to be pierced using an antiseptic soap. This soap is applied to the skin using a sterile compress. The drilling delicately rubs the area into circular movements to disinfect it well, then remove all traces of soap.

  2. Rinsing with physiological serum : Once the area is disinfected, it is essential to rinse it with physiological serum to eliminate any residue of antiseptic soap.

  3. Drying : The pierceur uses a sterile and dry compress to delicately dab the skin and eliminate the excess liquid. He takes care not to rub so as not to irritate the skin.

  4. Disinfection with a dermal solution : Finally, a last disinfection is carried out with a dermal solution. This solution is applied to the area using a sterile compress, ensuring that the skin is completely disinfected before the drilling procedure. The latter antiseptic forms a protective barrier against bacteria and ensures that the area remains clean during the intervention.

Use of sterile gloves

Wearing sterile gloves is essential throughout the drilling procedure. This guarantees that the zone to be pierced remains protected from external contamination and that the instruments used are handled in a clean environment. Before starting, the piercing puts sterile gloves, which it keeps throughout the intervention. This protocol limits the risk of infection and ensuring optimal security for the customer.

Steps of piercing piercing

Each step must be carried out precisely to guarantee a satisfactory result and minimize pain or complications.

Mark the piercing

Use a surgical marker to indicate the exact place where piercing will be carried out. A mirror can help check that the hole will be well placed.

Apply an anesthetic cream (optional)

If you apprehend the pain, an anesthetic cream can be applied to the area before drilling. Follow your doctor's recommendations for risk -free use.

Drill the skin on a safe manner

Drilling is a key step that requires both precision and expertise. For this, the piercer uses a Triple bevel hollow needle , specially designed to make a clear and precise hole in the skin. The movements must be Farms but delicate , in order to pierce the skin efficiently while avoiding exerting excessive pressure or creating unnecessary stress in the area. The perceur must be particularly attentive to the position of the needle, taking care to keep it straight and stable throughout the operation. The attention paid to each gesture, associated with the use of sterile and suitable equipment, is essential to guarantee not only the safety of the customer, but also an optimal result in terms of healing.

Insert the jewelry into the pierced hole

Once the hole is made using the hollow needle, it is essential to pass the jewel directly in the back of the needle before dragging it into the drilled hole. This method guarantees that the jewel comes into place clean and precisely, without risking damaging the surrounding tissues.

Post-position advice for optimal healing

Good healing is essential to avoid complications and guarantee a lasting aesthetic result. To learn all about the healing of a nose piercing, click here.

Cleaning and disinfection

Clean your piercing twice a day with a physiological serum saline solution. Pour directly on the piercing without cotton or compresses and let dry in the open air.

Avoid contacts and friction

After the drilling, it is essential to protect the area concerned to avoid any infection or complication during healing. It is important to avoid any direct contact with your fingers, as they can transport bacteria or impurities that may contaminate the wound. In addition, avoid contact with tight clothes or Accessories which could rub against the pierced area. Too adjusted clothing can create unnecessary pressures in the area, increasing the risk of irritation and friction. These excessive frictions can cause redness, pain or even growths.

Identify and treat signs of infection

If you observe redness, swelling or persistent pain, consult a professional quickly. Using an antiseptic solution may be necessary in case of slight infections.

Monitoring and change of piercing

Rigorous monitoring guarantees a positive experience and prevents complications during subsequent stages.

When to change the piercing for the first time

The first change of jewelry should not be made before complete healing, which can take several weeks or even months. Consult a pierceur to find out if your piercing is healed to allow a change of jewelry.

Choice of new jewelry and replacement technique
When you are ready, choose a titanium or gold jewel to minimize the risk of allergy. Go to a perceur for the first change to avoid creating any damage in a not completely healed piercing. The Perceur can advise you on the choice of jewelry.

Other questions?

How to put a piercing in the nose simply?
Hold the jewelry by the end and gently insert it into the drilled hole. Use a mirror to adjust the position if necessary.

How to put my piercing from the nose?
If the hole is still open, slowly insert the jewel by following the shape of the stem. In case of difficulty, apply petroleum jelly to lubricate the insertion stage.

How to put a piercing in a corkscrew?
Adopt a rotary movement to insert the spiral into the hole. Be careful not to force to avoid causing irritation Remember to put petroleum jelly on the rod to facilitate its insertion.

Does the nose piercing is rebuilt?
A piercing hole can close quickly, especially if the piercing is recent. To avoid this, always leave a jewel in place, even temporary, until the hole is healed.

By following these steps and precautions, you can fully enjoy your nose piercing with style and safety. For more information or explanatory videos, do not hesitate to consult a professional pierceur or visit our site Nebuleuse Jewelry.

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