Oreille de femme avec un piercing à l'hélix

Complete guide on piercing Helix

This complete guide explains everything to you on piercing Helix , Made in the external cartilage of the ear. You will learn the progress of the drilling, essential post-spiring care, as well as the different healing stages. The guide highlights the importance of choosing suitable jewelry, especially titanium for the first poses. Personalization ideas with stainless steel jewelry are also offered to enhance your Helix while guaranteeing comfort and safety.

Piercing Helix is one of piercings The most appreciated for its elegance and its ability to enhance the ear. Positioned on cartilage, this piercing offers many possibilities to customize its style with a wide range of jewelry. This guide presents everything you need to know about piercing Helix , from current care and trends procedure.

What is a piercing Helix ?

Piercing Helix is located on the upper part of the cartilage of the ear, a popular area for its versatility and aesthetics. Thanks to its location, it allows great diversity in the choice of jewelry, ranging from simple Clickers Piercing Discreet with bars decorated with stones, including more daring patterns. In addition to its aesthetic aspect, piercing Helix also offers the possibility of creating Ear stack unique, by combining it with others piercings ear to form personalized designs such as piercings constellation. This type of piercing is therefore appreciated both for its flexibility and its ability to adapt to different styles and preferences.

The different variants of piercing Helix

Piercing Helix simple

Piercing Helix Simple crosss a single area of ​​the cartilage. It is compatible with different types of jewelry, including Clickers Piercing , labrets, or Studs Piercing. The pain is moderate, and this type of drilling is suitable for most ears forms. Be careful during the drilling it is advisable to put a labret or a barbell only, no ring in first installation.

Piercing Helix double and triple

For a more daring style and especially for the bravest, the piercing Helix double Or triple consists in making two or three holes aligned on the cartilage. This type of drilling makes it possible to combine several jewelry, offering a more elaborate style.

Forward Helix

The Forward Helix more commonly called anti- piercingHelix is a drilling at the front of the ear, near the junction with the face. It is often decorated with small gems, such as stones or rhinestones, and can also be made of double or triple drilling.

How to choose your pierceur?

The choice of a qualified perceur is essential to ensure not only a safe procedure, but also an optimal result. Also make sure that the pierceur uses superior quality materials for jewelry. Perceurs generally work with ASTM F 136 titanium jewelry, a material recognized for its biocompatibility. Titanium is particularly recommended for the first poses, because it minimizes allergic reactions and promotes healthy healing.

The procedure for drilling theHelix

Before drilling

Before making a piercing Helix , Make sure you be healthy, as this promotes optimal healing. Choose an ASTM F 136 titanium jewel to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Avoid consuming anticoagulants such as aspirin or alcohol before drilling to limit bleeding. Finally, make sure that the pierceur uses sterile equipment and do not hesitate to ask him all your questions about maintenance and healing.

The drilling of theHelix

The drilling of theHelix takes place in several stages. First of all, the pierceur carefully disinfects the area to be unravel to eliminate any bacteria. Once the skin is ready, it marks the exact location of the drilling on the ear using a surgical pen. It's time to give your opinion if the location does not suit you.

Then, a single -use sterile needle, specially designed to cross the cartilage, is used. This needle is used with precision to minimize pain and avoid trauma. Unlike the use of a pistol, the needle allows better control and is softer for cartilage.

Once the drilling is made, the pierceur immediately inserts the jewel. A labret jewel in titanium ASTM F 136 is recommended for the first installation.

After drilling

After making a piercing Helix , It is essential to rigorously follow the recommendations of your piercing in post-drilling care.

Cleaning and maintenance of piercing Helix

Clean your piercing Helix Twice a day with a saline solution type physiological. It is advisable to avoid any contact not necessary with piercing, in particular by avoiding touching or turning the jewelry.

In addition, it is important not to expose the area to environments conducive to infections, such as swimming pools, jacuzzis or saunas, during the first weeks of healing. It is also recommended to avoid sleeping on the drilled ear to limit irritation or trauma.

The complete healing of a piercing Helix Can take several months, generally between 6 to 12 months, depending on individuals. During this period, it is important to follow all the recommendations recommended to avoid complications such as growths, infections or other inflammations. 

What to do in case of complications?

In the event of redness, swelling or pain that persists several days after drilling, it is highly recommended to consult a professional, whether your pierceur or a health professional. These signs may indicate an inflammatory reaction, an infection or other complications that require special attention. A professional will be able to assess the situation, recommend appropriate treatments, and ensure that the healing process takes place properly.

It is important to avoid the use of Earrings Classic or jewelry made in materials not adapted for the duration of healing. These materials can cause irritation, allergic reactions, or even considerably slow down healing. Always favor high quality jewelry, such as those in titanium ASTM F136, hypoallergenic and biocompatible, which are specially designed to minimize the risk of reaction. Likewise, it is important not to change jewelry before the healing process is completely finished, generally after 6 to 12 months, to avoid any risk of trauma or partial reopening of the wound.

In parallel, it is not recommended to use unsuitable products such as disinfectants or overly aggressive antibacterial creams because they can irritate the skin and slow down the healing process. Always opt for soft solutions, such as those recommended by your pierceur.

Duration of healing

The complete healing of a piercing Helix Can last between 6 and 12 months, but it is important to note that, in some cases, the total healing of the cartilage can take up to two years. The healing time depends on several factors, including the individual body reaction. Although the first signs of healing generally appear after a few months, cartilage remains a sensitive area, and it is important to continue to be vigilant long after the initial drilling.

Making a cartilage piercing is above all a work of patience. Unlike ear lobes, which heal more quickly, cartilage is less vascularized, which lengthens the healing process. During this period, it is essential not to touch or manipulate the jewelry excessively.

It is also important to understand that even if the area may seem healed on the surface after 6 to 12 months, the underlying cartilage remains fragile and sensitive. This is why it is recommended to be prudent by avoiding shocks, prolonged pressure on piercing (like sleeping on the drilled ear), or the use of not adapted jewelry before complete healing. The risks of infections, outgrowth remain as long as piercing is not entirely healed, and vigilance is therefore in the long term.

How to speed up the healing process?

To speed up the healing process of a piercing, several precautions and good practices must be respected. First, the choice of jewelry is essential. The use of high quality materials, such as the Titanium ASTM F136, is highly recommended. This material is hypoallergenic and biocompatible, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions or irritation, and allows the body to heal more quickly and effectively.

In addition to the choice of jewelry, it is essential to adopt correct hygiene. Clean the piercing twice a day with a sterile saline solution type physiological. It is important to handle the piercing as little as possible to avoid introducing bacteria into the wound.

Also avoid sleeping on the ear where piercing is, especially during the first months, because the repeated pressure on the area can cause trauma, delay healing and even cause complications such as the formation of growths. You can opt for a specific hole pillow or cushion for sleeping comfortably without touching piercing.

Finally, a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, as well as good hydration, can also promote faster healing. Elements such as zinc and vitamin C are recognized to help the body repair the tissues more effectively, which can play a role in the speed of the healing process.

By following these tips, you can maximize the chances of quick and uncomplicated healing.

The choice of jewelry for your Helix

Different types of jewelry

Jewelry for heli piercing, industrial piercing, Or still anti-Helix Available at Nebuleuse offers a wide variety of styles and materials to personalize your look while respecting healing needs. Among the popular options, you will find straight bars, ideal for a minimalist and elegant look, as well as Clickers Piercing , Perfect for adding a more daring touch to your piercing.

At Nebuleuse, we have chosen two types of jewelry: Clickers Piercing And the labrets, available in two materials. The Titanium ASTM F136 systematically proposed for the first installation, due to its biocompatibility and its hypoallergenicity. Once the piercing is completely healed, high quality stainless steel jewelry are also available, offering a wide range of styles while ensuring continuous safety for your skin.

Thanks to the diversity of models and materials offered at Nebuleuse jewelry, you can both express your personality and ensure care adapted to your piercing Helix .

When and how to change your jewelry?

It is advisable to wait for complete healing before changing jewelry to avoid irritation. Once the piercing healed, you can explore different styles and collections, including stainless steel jewelry or Silver.

Does the piercing at theHelix hurt?

Piercing Helix can cause a sensation of pain slightly more intense than that felt when drilling the Earlobe From the ear, because it crosses the cartilage, a more rigid and less vascularized area. Due to the density of cartilage, the pressure exerted during drilling is often perceived as more marked. However, the pain generally remains tolerable for most people, manifesting itself by a brief feeling of bite followed by passenger discomfort.

It is important to note that pain tolerance varies from person to person. Some will feel moderate pain during the process, while others can only experience slight discomfort. After drilling, it is normal to feel a slight sensitivity or swelling around the area for a few days. However, by following the recommended post-spiring care, these sensations decrease rapidly.

Can we use an earring for a piercing at theHelix ?

No, it is generally not recommended to use an earring for piercing at theHelix . THE Earrings classic are often designed for ear lobes and are not adapted to the cartilage of theHelix Due to differences in diameter and clasp. The diameter of Earrings does not correspond to that required for a piercing at theHelix , And their clasp is not designed to properly adjust to the cartilage area. To ensure optimal comfort and correct healing, it is preferable to use jewelry specifically designed for piercings at theHelix Labret or ring in 1.2mm.

How to remove your piercing Helix ?

Pierce Helix depends on the type of jewel used. For bars or labrets, it may be necessary to unscrew the tips or open by pulling Threadless jewelry. For them Clickers Piercing , The ring will have to be gently opened using appropriate tools or have it done by a professional.

It is strongly recommended to consult a piercing to remove your piercing. An experienced perceur can remove the jewel in complete safety and avoid any potential complications, such as infections or damage to cartilage. If you are not sure of how to do it or if you encounter difficulties, calling on a professional is the best option to ensure that the withdrawal is done correctly and safely.

What side to make itHelix ?

The choice of the side for your piercing Helix is a personal decision that can be influenced by several factors, mainly your preferences and your comfort. Here are some elements to consider to make the best choice. The choice can simply depend on your aesthetic preferences. You might have a preference for the side of your face that seems to you the most harmonious. Many customers choose the side that allows them to sleep more comfortably. If you are used to sleeping on a specific side, it may be wise to choose the opposite side for piercing in order to minimize friction and pressure on the pierced area during healing. This can help reduce discomfort and avoid complications such as irritation or growths.

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