Oreille de femme avec plusieurs boucles et un piercing à l'hélix

Ear piercing, which one to choose?

Do you dream of an ear piercing but the choice is great and you don't know which piercing to guide you? Here are the answers in order to best choose the piercing that suits you.

Find all our tips to choose your ear piercing as well!


Know that your morphology In the foreground intervenes in the choice of a piercing in the ear👂. And yes some people can make them all while others can never perform the hoped -for piercing! 

Let's start with the lobes, depending on their size it will be possible to place 3 holes, sometimes 4 while others can only make 2.

Sad fate For accumulation fans 🥺! 

THE tragus is also a random area depending on the anatomy of each. This cartilage is in some people very little developed. If this is your case, your pierceur may advise you not to unravel this area, because the risk of rejection is more important. Also it may not be aesthetic, pay attention to the recommendations. 

Finally, the daith is one of the cartilages difficult to achieve If it is not very bulky, it can be not recommended.


In the second point intervenes theaesthetics expected. If you are someone discreet, THE rook, THE daith and the conch are made for you ! Located inside the ear, these piercings will be able to dress your ear in all subtlety. They allow you to combine beauty and discretion, for jewelry that you can wear on any occasion✨. 

If on the contrary you Love that we see jewelry that adorn your ears, rather orient yourself towards theHelix , the flat or the tragus. Positioned on zones very visible When your face is from the front, these areas can accommodate jewelry that shine of a thousand lights to enhance your ears🪩. 

The jewel:

If you already have a idea From jewelry in mind, know that each piercing its jewelry. Some piercings can accommodate several types of jewelry: 

  • L'Helix - Conch - Tragus - lobes - anti Helix  : On these piercings You can position a right bar or a ring. You will therefore have the choice between our range stainless steel, OUR Titanium Piercing for the most sensitive and also our Clickers Piercing .
  • Rook - Daith - anti-Helix : It is possible to put a banana That is to say a curved bar or a ring, you can therefore orient yourself towards the ROok Cha or the rook Lou or our Emma ring.

Others piercings can only welcomeonly, this is the case with flat, or a straight bar will be the most suitable. But is one leonie On a flat is not worth all the jewelry in the world? 

If you need help knowing if the jewel of your dreams is adapted To your future piercing, here are some examples of jewelry that are worn tragus, at theHelix or lobes

Daily habits:

And yes, during the realization of a piercing We will be careful to take this element into consideration. It will be necessary adapt Your piercing at different constraints that you meet every day. For example, remember to perform the piercing on theopposite ear of the one on which you sleep, this tip is valid for all piercings to cartilage. It will be necessary avoid THE headphones for them piercings At tragus or at conch, THE Glasses port For a piercing at theHelix and anti-Helix , but also the practice of combat sport Throughout the duration of healing for all piercings Confused. 

Know that there No contraindications to make a piercing during thesummer But you will still have to take some precautions. Find our article on this right subject here

In summary, before piercing, take the time to to reflect on to all these elements. They can avoid disappointment if your ear is not suitable for piercing your dreams, but also you help Throughout the healing phase by taking into account your constraints. 

If you are still at research of a piercer To pass the course, we have selected for you the best drivers at Paris, Marseille, Lyon And Bordeaux.

The nebulous team is hurry to see in identification on Instagram your choice of piercing ✨.

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