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Complete guide on anti-Helix

This complete guide on anti-Helix provides you with all the essential information, from the healing care drilling process. Located in the cartilage of the ear, this piercing requires quality jewelry, such as titanium for the first installation, then stainless steel once heal. You will also find personalization ideas to make your piercing anti-Helix Unique, while ensuring comfort and safety.

Anti-Helix is increasingly popular among lovers of piercings At the cartilage of the ear, in particular thanks to its unique style and its ability to offer a touch of originality. Located on the inner fold of the ear, it is called anti-Helix and stands out from piercings more common like theHelix or the tragus. Just like the piercing at Earlobe or the piercing at rook, it allows you to add a new dimension to your style. Discover in this guide everything you need to know to choose and maintain your anti-Helix .

What is an anti-Helix ?

Definition and location

Anti-Helix crosses the cartilage located on the inner part of the ear, opposite theHelix . This type of piercing is distinguished by its original location which allows a wide variety of styles of jewelry, ranging from the curved bar to Clickers Piercing . This is a popular choice for those who want to add a touch of originality to their look while retaining a certain discretion.

Why opt for an anti-Helix ?

Choose an anti-Helix Allows you to stand out thanks to an unusual jewel, while having the opportunity to play with different styles and jewelry sizes. This type of piercing is ideal for those looking for a more subtle effect than that of theHelix or the tragus, But who still want to express their character and personal style.


Choice of professional and piercing show

For an anti-Helix , It is essential to call on a qualified professional and to opt for a piercing show with strict hygiene standards. Do not hesitate to consult the online opinions before making your choice, and make sure that the pierceur uses sterile single-use equipment as well as quality jewelry, such as titanium, in order to minimize the risks of allergies or irritation.

Drilling steps

The anti-Helix begins with the disinfection of the area. The piermer then marks the exact place of the drilling with a pen before inserting a sterile needle to cross the cartilage. It ends with the installation of the jewel chosen, often a curved bar because the Clickers Piercing are not recommended in the first installation. The pain felt is generally brief but more intense than for a piercing at Earlobe Due to the density of cartilage.

Choice of jewelry for an anti-Helix

For anti-Helix , It is advisable to choose titanium jewelry from the first installation to promote good healing. The curved bars are recommended during the drilling, you can then position a ring. The size of the jewelry must be adapted to the shape of your ear and the thickness of your cartilage.

Pain and healing process of anti-Helix

What to expect during the drilling?

Anti-Helix can be slightly more painful than others like piercing Helix or the Flat piercing Due to the thickness of the cartilage in this location and its location. Pain is often described as intense pressure, but it only lasts a few seconds. After drilling, it is normal to feel a slight sensitivity for several days.

The evolution of the healing of piercing

Healing an anti-Helix May vary between 6 and 12 months, depending on the responsiveness of your body and the care provided. It is essential to scrupulously respect the recommendations of your pierceur in order to prevent complications, such as infection or the appearance of an outgrowth. During this period, it is recommended not to change your jewelry to avoid putting an unsuitable model and causing micro-lensions, which can be the cause of these growths.

Care after an anti-Helix

Cleaning and disinfection

To ensure good healing of your anti-Helix , It is important to follow a suitable cleaning routine. Clean the pierced area twice a day, ideally morning and evening, using a sterile saline solution type physiological. These products are designed to clean the area without attacking the tissues in full healing. The hands must be washed carefully before handling the ear, and it is advisable to avoid direct contact or excessive handling of the area.

What to avoid during healing

During the healing phase of your anti-Helix , Certain habits must be modified to guarantee optimal healing and avoid complications. One of the first precautions to take is not to sleep on the side of piercing.

Indeed, the pressure exerted by your head on the ear can cause irritation, swelling, or even slightly moving the jewelry, which can cause micro-lens in the healing area. These injuries, although often invisible, can significantly delay the healing process. To avoid these inconveniences, try to sleep on the opposite side or, if possible, use a U U travel pillow that supports the head while reducing pressure on the drilled ear.

Then it is essential not to manipulate the jewel. Your hands, even washed, can introduce bacteria on the wound, thus increasing the risk of infection. In addition, by turning or moving the jewelry, you may damage healing tissues, causing inflammation or the formation of growths.

Finally, it is important to protect your piercing from excessive friction caused by external objects such as headphones, headphones or even scarves and clothes tight around the neck. These Accessories, If they constantly press the pierced area, can irritate the skin, move the jewelry or cause inflammation. 

When and how to change your anti-Helix ?

Once the healing of your anti-Helix is completely over, usually after 6 to 12 months, you can consider changing jewelry. However, even at this stage, it is strongly advised to call on a professional pierceur to make the change. A qualified pierceur will be able to handle the jewel in a hygienic and precise manner, thus reducing the risk of causing micro-lensions, which could reopen the wound or cause irritation.

Although healing is completed, it is always important to choose high quality materials to minimize the risk of allergies or adverse reactions. ASTM F136 quality titanium jewelry and surgical stainless steel remain the best options. These materials are particularly suitable for sensitive skin and offer long -term security for your piercings.

In addition to security, calling a professional pierceur for the change of jewelry allows you to benefit from personalized advice on the options that best suit your style and anatomy, guaranteeing that your new jewel will be perfectly adjusted and comfortable to wear.

Choose your jewelry for an anti-Helix

Suitable jewelry types

For an anti-Helix , curved bars and Clickers Piercing are among the most suitable jewelry options. The curved bar, often used from the first installation, makes it possible to minimize tensions on the pierced area, thus promoting faster and comfortable healing. THE Clickers Piercing , Once the healing is finished, offer a more visible and stylish look, while remaining ergonomic for the ear. These three types of jewelry combine comfort and elegance, offering you the possibility of varying styles while respecting the specific needs of your anti-Helix .

Recommended materials

ASTM F136 titanium jewelry and surgical stainless steel are particularly recommended for piercings Due to their hypoallergenic properties, which considerably reduces the risk of allergic reactions, especially metals like nickel. The titanium ASTM F136 is a material renowned for its lightness, its resistance to corrosion and its excellent tolerance by the human body, which makes it an ideal choice for the first poses. Stainless steel, although a little heavier, is also robust and wear resistant, offering long -term sustainability.

Trends and inspirations

Anti-Helix is perfectly part of the current trends in piercings of ears. That you opt for Clickers Piercing Golden, or more minimalist patterns with curved bars, you can personalize your style and create an original effect. Many collections jewelry, available online or in specialized stores, offer you a variety of choices to stay in the trend.


What piercing to put on anti-Helix ?

The choice of jewelry for an anti-Helix Depends both on your aesthetic preferences and the comfort sought. Among the most popular options, we find the curved bars (bananas) and Clickers Piercing Each offering specific advantages.

The curved bars are often used for the first installation of piercing because of their ergonomic shape, which reduces tension on the pierced area and facilitates healing. This type of jewelry is discreet and comfortable, making it an excellent choice for the first weeks of healing.

THE Clickers Piercing are a popular option once healing is completed. Their circular shape marries the ear and highlights the natural curve of the anti-Helix , offering a more daring look. They are available in many sizes and styles, allowing varied customization.

The choice of jewelry for the anti-Helix will therefore depend on your personal style and the desired level of comfort, while taking into account the recommendations of your perceur for optimal healing.

Does the drilling at the anti-Helix hurt?

Anti- drillingHelix , Located on the internal part of the cartilage of the ear, is often perceived as more painful than other piercings Due to the thickness and density of the cartilage at this place. However, although pain can be more intense during perforation, it is generally short -lived, only for a few seconds. The discomfort felt varies from person to person, depending on their individual pain tolerance. Once the piercing is done, the pain fades quickly and the area generally heals well. A titanium jewel is recommended to minimize the risk of irritation during the healing period.

What size of piercing for the anti-Helix ?

The standard size for an anti-Helix is a 1.2 mm thick bar, offering an optimal balance between comfort and safety. This thickness is ideal for guaranteeing the solidity of the jewelry while reducing the risk of irritation or discomfort during healing. Regarding the length of the bar, it generally varies between 6 and 8 mm. This difference in length makes it possible to adapt to the individual morphology of the cartilage and ensures that the jewel remains in place while offering enough space to avoid excessive pressures on the perforated area. A good size is essential to avoid complications and promote rapid healing and without problem.

How to remove an anti-Helix ?

It is strongly recommended to use a professional pierceur to withdraw an anti-Helix to avoid potential complications. The cartilage of the anti-Helix is a sensitive and delicate area, and incorrect manipulation can cause pain or lesions. An experienced pierceur will be able to remove the jewel with precision, thus reducing the risk of trauma to cartilage.

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